Smiley’s Big Hook Up
Start Time: 6:00 pm
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ATTENTION ALL SINGLES! You may be tired of everyone talking about love and Valentine's Day ... So The Smiley Morning Show created an event JUST FOR YOU.
It's Smiley's Big Hook Up! Grab your single friends or come alone and meet some new single friends at Smiley's Big Hook Up. Maybe even meet the love of your life! Who knows? We don't want you to spend another Valentine's Day alone.
Smiley's Big Hook up happens at HI-FI Indy on Sunday, February 16th from 6-8pm. The Smiley Morning Show will be there live on stage doing some of our favorite games and bringing in some new games to help get people talking to each other! We'll have lots of prizes for our games ... But the best prize is probably finding someone you'd like to get to know better! And don't worry introverts, we won't force anyone to play a game and we'll make sure there is plenty of space on the wall to lean. . Then, after we get everyone feeling more comfortable, there will be a DJ starting at 8pm so you can dance or find someone you didn't get to talk to earlier. The best part is that the next day is Presidents Day so hopefully you have that day off so you can stay up as late as you want.