Post. Festival 2025 | July 24-26
Start Time:
LINEUP: Converge, Emma Ruth Rundle, This Will Destroy You, Cave In, A Place To Bury Strangers, Pelican, Pianos Become The Teeth, We Lost The Sea, Primitive Man, Standards, Nrthrn, Bongripper, Ranges, PILLARS, Pray For Sound, You, Infinite, Newmoon, Respire, Blackshape, Glacier, Circus Trees, Signal Hill, Porcelain, Rainbows Are Free, Surrounded By Water, Turquoise, Isolation Drills, Thought Trials , Jenny Haniver, Driving At Night
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ARTIST PROFILE | Post. Festival

Post. Festival is set on establishing the finest assemblage of niche rock artists to take place on American soil. Following the examples set by like-minded European events, the Post. Festival is as much about community and respect and support as it is about music and culture. It is a celebration both for fans and artists, an opportunity to come together and revel in a scene that has built itself from within to the point of global presence, without the aid of commercial status. Some of the most exceptional and creative musicians work within the realms of “post”-adjacent genres, and it is this festival’s goal to bring as many of them as possible together for one weekend to give them the opportunity to show out and share their work with a wildly dedicated fan base.
WEBSITE | thepostfestival.com
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About the Venue
Upgrades: The Sidestage Lounge VIP access offers a premium exclusive viewing location with an up-close and personal view of the stage. It features a private bar, a comfortable seating area, as well as dedicated outdoor restrooms. Click here to reserve your spot in Sidestage Lounge.
Ticket Support: Box Office opens 1 hour before published door time. For ticket related questions please email boxoffice@hifiindy.com.
Parking: Street Parking, Bike Parking
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